Chic countryside part I

 Jenni Kayne home
We are driving to the country side this weekend with some friends to breath in fresh air and be eaten up by mosquitoes.  But everything for la naturaleza.  I'm one hundred percent an urban girl but sometimes I like to escape to the countryside and enjoy the simple life although I'm not quite sure why they call it the simple life, I don't think there is anything simple about milking a cow, trying to grab an egg away from a mami chicken and waking up at 5 AM by a rooster.  All my admiration!  Of course all that would be a pleasure if I happen to wake up in either one of these places.  Have a great weekend!
 Daniel Romualdez via Vogue
 via Riding Pretty
Vintage looking travel backpack available at Amazon
Can I have a summer home with a Wisteria filled veranda like this one?
 Jessica Sailer via The Couveteur
Just amazing, this iron French doors are intoxicatingly beautiful.
Beautiful texture of plates and plaster shelf via Pinterest
Swan Lounge chair by Munder Skiles