
Home Depot Bathroom Beautification Contest

Happy Monday! I have some fantastic news for you today. Home Depot Canada has generously provided a $500 gift card for one lucky reader to be used in store to update their bathroom. I will fill you in on the deets at the end of this post.

I thought this would be a good opportunity to pretty up my ugly duckling ensuite as well.  This is the very embarrassing Before – very basic builder.  It has been like this for over 8 years -yikes! Does your bathroom look like this?

bathroom before

I did upgrade the storage with the builder, added an additional sink, deleted the ugly strip lighting that would have been provided and the large mirror. Instead I opted for two oval mirrors with lights above (all from the Home Depot) which I will keep.

via Decor Happy

So here’s what I’m planning. You know I love wallpaper, so this mustard one will be plastered on all the walls. I’m hoping the wallpaper will take my mind off the floor tiles which I’m not replacing at the moment! (I’m undecided about the colour but have had it hanging in the bathroom for weeks and I do like it.)

The toilet, sinks, knobs and counter are all available at your local Home Depot. (In a separate post, I will give specifics on the other items.) I’m also painting the vanity either black or a greige. 

Hopefully this has got you thinking about what you could do with $500 to update your bathroom. Maybe a new water saving toilet? Pretty faucets? Quartz counter? (Of course, you will need a bigger budget for the counter but the $500 would certainly help!)

To enter to win the $500 gift card and a consultation with a local Home Depot associate to renovate your bathroom:

- snap a photo of your bathroom and leave a comment below with a link to your Pinterest account as well as your email address. I will then invite you to Pin your photo to my Home Depot Bathroom Beautification Contest board.  I haven’t done a group board before but I think you have to follow me and vice versa. (You have to have a Pinterest account but it is really easy to set up and trust me, once you sign up you will be as addicted as I am.)

- in the comments section of your Pin, please briefly describe what you would do with the $500.

- you will have until Monday, October 28th at 8 am EST to pin your photo to the board. The winner will be chosen at random. Contest is open to everyone across Canada.  UPDATE: CONTEST HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 AT 8 AM EST.

If you have any questions regarding the contest, please leave them in the comments. Good luck!