Friday eye candy: Givenchy

Ricardo Tisci on accepting the offer to be Givenchy's fashion director.  "[...] my mother called me and said to me, ‘I am going to tell you something I haven’t even told your sisters: I think I am going to sell our house because your sisters are struggling, they’re having children, they need the money. I will go to a retirement home.’ When I heard that it was like a knife in my heart. I felt like such a failure, that my mother had to sell the house of my father whom I don’t remember. And then I went to Paris, and they showed me a contract with all these zeros on it, and it was like help from God." from Wikipedia.  I already love him.
It's interesting how some posts develop.  I started with a different idea for today's post until I realized that most of the images I selected had something Givenchy in them.  From Clutches to stunning patterned clothes to bags and accessories, everything Ricardo Tisci creation is simply amazing.  No one makes the wild and gothic side look this sophisticated better than him.  Enjoy!
Givenchy Obsedia bag
Givenchy boots
Gyvenchy Obsedia bracelet