
Memorial Day you're so pale

Design by Studio Guilherme Torres
It's a very thin line from the sublime to the ridiculous when decorating with pastel colors.  It's easier to end up with an adult-size shabby doll house; ouch! than an elegant and refined one.  Since I believe or hope, that nobody wants to end up down that road I would only suggest to stay away from whimsically looking furniture or anything too-Victorian.  And, please don't paint them white unless it’s a distressed white.  One thing to keep in mind is Pastel colors are those pale tones on the color wheel so pale is not only pink but any color in its lightest degradation.  Enjoy!
Design by Kelee Katillac via House Beautiful
via Elle Decor
Design by Hecker Guthrie Studio
Design by Baroness Bruno De Pampelonne