

As you read this we're already in Sao Paulo.  The days prior to our flight were crazy busy and overwhelming.  Moving is not an easy job but, moving overseas while trying not to forget the smallest detail takes the whole experience up a few notches.  It was hard to see our home empty again like the first time we walked into it and I have to admit that as exited as I am with our new home, my heart ached a bit, well okay maybe more than a bit!  This home we left behind was the home were we had our fist son, we saw him start walking and talking and we had a great time in it sorrounded by family and friends.
I've been dealing with farewells since I was a little girl but I'll never get used to it.  It's soo painful! On saturday we went to visit my family and we cried a river when it was time to say good bye. Above all I'll miss my mom dearly.  She has always been there for me all my life and it's hard to know that she won't be close by.  As my husband and I say "the best and sweetest baby sitter possible"  My dear friends have been awesome as well, hosting farewell dinners and get togethers for us and it's been extremely moving and comforting.  Some of them already have dates to come and visit.  I know that adjusting to a new country is going to be hard mostly because I don't have anyone in Brazil but, I'm pleased and happy for this new begining and looking forward to the future, as always!
My mom in 1992
Below, shots of our trip.
Crazy LOCO! ah?  And there was more sent by air container!
photos by me