
My BIG News!!

OK, I cannot keep this from you any longer! 

I’m about to have a dream come true…

No, not expanding our family…

Nor did I win the lottery…although that would be nice.


I am going to be published in one of my favourite decor magazines, Style at Home! Yes, that magazine. I know, right?

this issue

So how did it come about?…After the Steven and Chris shoot I hired this photographer to come in the next day and shoot the four rooms because they never looked so good.  Best money I ever spent! 

Only two rooms had made it to air on the show.  I sent the photos  to Style at Home, waited (not so) patiently and then received an email from one of their editors.  She said “everyone loves your place.”  So exciting!

I think that is every decorator/designer/stylist/blogger’s dream, isn’t it? To be published in a first rate magazine.

So true.

When I was at Blogfest 2012, Darryl Carter advised us to work on our own homes, get it photographed and submit those photos to the magazines. Sometimes mag editors find you through your blog too. 

Tim’s balcony via Style at Home

I’m following in the footsteps of two of my favourite bloggers and friends Jen and Tim who have had their lovely homes featured in Style at Home this year.  

Jen’s bathroom via Style at Home (love that door!)

So, there you have it! My BIG news! Now what are you waiting for? Go forth and decorate your home, get it photographed and #getpublished. 

And another.

Gotta run! Tonight is my sweet daughter’s 10th birthday party at the house. It’s an 80’s theme complete with colourful Madonna-esque clothing, Michael Jackson music and chocolate fondue (although, I think the latter is more 70’s than 80’s!)  

Have a happy weekend!

If you need decorating help, please contact me at vanessa(at)vanessafrancis(dot)com.