
Backyard Makeover

First of all, thank you so much for the lovely comments on my last post, plus your tweets, FB messages and emails!  

So, while I have been busy making some minor changes to the interior of the house, I also have a backyard landscape project on the go.


(no that’s not me in this absolutely adorable backyard about to welcome guests)

We have lived in our house for seven years and the backyard looked like this: 

(the trampoline is a lot of fun though) 

So when the Home Depot contacted me to host a Blogger Backyard party, I was going to decline. Wouldn’t be fun to be wearing heels on grass, right? But it’s the Home Depot and it’s a party, how could I say no?

I always wanted to have a patio but it was put on the backburner as there was always something else (house interior, travel) that was the priority.  

So what better way to get my a#% into gear than this!

When designing a backyard, it’s always nice to have a hard surface such as a deck or patio, a garden and grass. 
 Decor Precast - Earth Blend Abbeystone Paver - 10109014 - Home Depot Canada
This is the paver I chose.  When the salesperson at my local HD store said it is rough and looks aged, it just sealed the deal as that is exactly the look I was going for. 

You can use either the smooth side like I did or the other side which has a textured/bumpy appearance. I am having them laid in a brick pattern.


These pavers are similar in colour to the ones I chose.
I am also having an outdoor sectional made in time for the upcoming party – another post about the decoration part coming soon and of course the final reveal!

Is your backyard (or balcony) your hideaway? Or has it been put on the backburner?

This post is sponsored by the Home Depot.  Check out their site/stores for everything for your outdoor needs from building supplies to furniture and barbeques.