
The S&C Shoot and Taping

On Monday, the Steven and Chris team were here taping a few rooms in the house: living/dining, daughter’s bedroom and her sewing/craft/hangout room.

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The producer (Melissa), camerawoman (Ally) and assistant (Ian) were here for about 6 hours – setting up, shooting and doing retakes.  Being on camera is more difficult than it looks!   My daughter was home sick that day so she loved observing all of the goings on and texted the photo of the cameras in her room to all of her friends.

Yesterday was the taping of the show in the studio, so I saw the taped piece which was only a few minutes long.  They didn’t end up showing two of the rooms – just the living room and my daughter’s room. That was a bit disappointing but what can you do.  That’s show biz!

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My beautiful sister came along for moral support – love her to bits!  Because I was “on” the show, we had the best seats in the house.  They threw a question at me that I wasn’t prepared for and stumbled a bit (nerves and all.) So, please be kind when you watch next Tuesday!

Thanks to Melissa and the entire S&C team for this wonderful opportunity!  They are looking for blogger homes to feature so contact the show if you are interested or email me for Melissa’s contact info.