Steven and Chris (last post, promise!)

I’m sad that March break is over! No more staying up until the wee hours and sleeping in. No more hanging out with my sweet daughter. Didn’t we have the most amazing weather last week? Back to reality.

I know some of you were asking if/when the Steven and Chris episode I was in would air again.  I’m unsure if it will in the future so here’s a link to my appearance.  (Not sure if you can view it outside of Canada – let me know.)


Here I am looking like a deer in the headlights when they threw a question at me that I wasn’t prepared for.  Note to self: Know why you started your blog.   That’s all I will say negative – we are always so hard on ourselves, aren’t we?

Here’s where they called me dynamic (now that’s more positive!):  
Fullscreen capture 19032012 125137 AM

And here’s a screen shot of the Steven and Chris home page with my living room – how cool is that?

S&C homepage

It references an article that I wrote and their web editor tweaked which you can read here.  (I have already changed the top row of the gallery wall – much happier with it now. It never stops I tell you!)

Now I wish someone else ( a magazine perhaps?) would come by and shoot some other rooms in my house so that I would have a deadline to get them finished!

I just want to say another big THANK YOU to the Steven and Chris team for this wonderful opportunity!  And congrats on your 500th show last week! Here’s to another 500!

Have a wonderful week!

(I’m extending the Posterjack giveaway another week, so if you haven’t entered, enter here.)

If you need decorating advice, please contact me at vanessa(at) (The @ is written out to avoid spammers/bots.)