Rooms that work: Global Chic

The Global Chic look has always appealed to me because it's probably the kind that speaks more eloquently about it's owners' life, travel and sense of style.  I also especially love it because it's the most purest of all to it's habitat.  These images are from a wooden home, probably a Yali, overlooking the Bosphorus.  My wildest dream or maybe one of them!  Interior Designer Serdar Gulgun, sorry no website, was the one in charge of the magnificent restoration of this incredible 19th century home.  Enoy!
That bathroom, looking like something you would find in a Hammam (turkish bathroom) is, without a doubt, one of a kind.  Take a look at the mosaic ceiling, amazing!  Love how the detail of painting the moldings in different colors adds another layer to the room.  The ceiling of this house is pretty spectacular as well.
A very monochromatic dining room with very ornate dining chairs and a black and red Suzani tablecloth that picks up the red from the carpet and console.  The incredible ornamentation above the doors appears to be a Tromp l'oeil
Photos by Juergen Frank