Living Room Art Wall (New Additions)

I hope you aren’t too tired of seeing my art wall in my living room.  (And I can’t promise you that this will be the last time since I will probably change the room this year – new coffee table/ottoman, new paint colour, maybe reupholster the sofa.  Oh, the life of a decorator – always changing things up!)

But the main reason you may see this wall again is because the beauty of an art wall is you can add and subtract as you please.  This is how it looked for most of last year.

And this is how it looks now:

Photograph by Leah Kirin

I mentioned my newly acquired Robin Pocisk painting here and I love it.  Not hard to see that I love paintings with all shades of blue.  (I also have posted a photo of the painting in the adjoining dining room – you guessed it, more blue! Can’t get enough!)  

The yellow and blue floral original small painting was a thrifting find (upper right hand corner.)  It is amazing what you can find for very little money – I am converted!

The beach scene above the middle blue painting was recently given to me by a very talented friend.  (I took down the rudimentary nude sketch that I did in art school much to my daughter’s delight!)

The tree print is from marbler Robert Wu and was purchased at the One of a Kind Show. (The two non-green pillows were also OOAK purchases – from Fluf and Kailey Hawthorn.)

A few people have emailed asking how to do an art wall and although there are tutorials out there using kraft paper cut-outs etc. – I just eyeballed everything!  I didn’t want it to look too perfect.  In fact, it looks more perfect than I wanted.  The only thing I did to start was to hang the large blue painting (by Matt LeBlanc) off center and build around it.  So easy to do.

Make 2012 the year that you rid your home of blank walls and mass produced art.  With Etsy, art gifted to you, thrift stores and your own photographs – you will be filling up your walls with art in no time.  (Note:  I have 12’ ceilings in this room – so you wouldn’t need as much art as I have here!)

Happy art hunting!