
My Holiday Mantel

Yes, I know – three posts in three days is unheard of for me! Lots to share I guess!

So, here’s a photo of my mantel this year - quite a change from last year’s.  I’m bringing more pink and indigo into the house – just love that colour combination.

Photograph by Leah Kirin.

It is very simple and I may add some more greenery on the ledge and some more ornaments.  It's tricky when decorating around a tall mirror, it makes everything else look squat. I played around with having the mirror off center and the wreath on the wall above the trees but it didn't feel right.  This does but I will probably play around with it a lot more in the next couple of weeks. You know me!
  • the mirror is from a hotel liquidator – I just love the Moorish shape.  I had all intentions of painting it gold – a more yellow gold than what is currently on it.  A friend saw it and said leave it as is but I’m still deciding.
  • I hung a square boxwood wreath with a pink satin ribbon on the mirror.
  • I bought the pink glitzy trees this year from HomeSense.
  • I added some ornaments including one of my favourites – a large glass ball with a silver bird inside from Pottery Barn.
  • The birch sticks are from a friend’s (dead) birch tree.
The house finally feels a little Christmasy! (Work has been so busy that I haven't had a chance to decorate or shop yet!)  How is your decorating coming along?

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