
Monday Meandering: A Thank You and Sneak Peek

Happy Monday! So, who was out shopping this weekend? Yes, moi aussi – crazy wasn’t it?  Also, had a little Christmas party at the house for my daughter and her besties – love these girls!  They are blossoming into such kind, smart, funny and talented young ladies.

1)  First, a big shout out to the folks at Style at Home who asked me to participate in their Bloggers’ Christmas Decorating Tips. So honoured!  Be sure to check out all of the holiday inspiration from the other talented bloggers.


2)  Speaking of magazines, did you know that Pure Green is now in print?   The magazine would make a great Christmas gift.  You can subscribe here.

Editor in Chief, Celine MacKay says “Our premiere print issue centers on entertaining, and also features stunning homes, vintage collections, travel destinations, fashion, style and more all with a simple and clean approach. The magazine itself is quite book-like in terms of quality, weight and content - highly visual, each page is rich with imagery and ideas and is meant to be treasured, kept and displayed.”    If that doesn’t make you want to subscribe, I don’t know what would!


(Hey, I know the Brinsons who wrote and photographed this piece! Met them at Blogfest and they so kindly invited us to their gorgeous home (that was featured on the Nate Berkus show and all over the blogosphere.) 

3) Still looking for some simple Christmas decorating inspiration? Check out Kelly’s Pinterest Holiday Inspiration board.


4) Suzanne Dimma’s home is one of my favourites and I loved seeing it decorated for the holidays in the November, 2010 issue of Canadian House and Home.   You can see photos online here.


5)  My talented photographer is coming over tomorrow morning to shoot my daughter’s room (yes, that room!) and some other spaces.  So, I am busy getting ready for that!  Most of it has been done for awhile but I was searching for the perfect vintage bookcase for a short wall in her room.  When I couldn’t find anything that fit the bill, two  Ikea Liatorps together fit the wall perfectly. Here’s a sneak peek with the back painted in a deep coral. Stay tuned for the pretty, styled shot!


(grainy camera photo – that’s why I’m leaving it to the professionals!)

Hope you all have a wonderful pre-Christmas week!