Bloggers with Style: The Home is Enchanted, Design is Marcus & The Right Bank

I have great respect for these three ladies.  They have exquisite taste and a keen eye for details and good quality.  
Tina is the classy lady from The Enchanted Home and she has me in awe of her jaw dropping home she and her husband are building.  To say this mansion is a Dream Home is an understatement, this is more of an achievement.   In her blog Tina kindly shares her finds and the development of her new home, which is almost ready for her and her family to move in.  If you haven't been to Tina's blog you must.  Enjoy it in good health Tina!  Check out her blog here
 Her amazing Foyer floor
One of Tina's home bathrooms.
Nancy from Marcus Design blog captivated us all with the ingenious transformation of a pair of simple Ikea side tables that she made into perfect replicas of Dorothy Draper chests.  You probably remember this incredible DIY project because it got deservedly praised in many blogs.  Nancy and her husband have been slowly renovating her rancher and she shares the process in her blog.  Recently they transformed one wall of her living room by adding wood and making it look like a panel wall.  Check out her blog and be inspired.
Isn't that insane?  Can you believe this perfect Dorothy Draper replica is an Ikea table?  Nancy is really a genius.
I'm a lover and a constant advocate of enhancing architectural details so when I saw what Nancy did with her living room wall I was happy.  If you want to see the before pictures visit her inspiring blog.
 Isn't that powder room beautiful?
Ally from the Right Bank is a long time blogger who recently revealed one of her latest projects in her home and I just couldn't help posting it here because it is simply pretty.   Ally is constantly updating and decorating her home and she shares the eye candy with her readers.   You can see more here