Need some sleep

I feel like my head weights about seventy pounds right now and every time I open my eyes is like having my eyes being punched.  All I'm going to say is,  if you're planning on having a baby or just had one, do not and please take note, do not rock him/her to sleep or you'll regret it.  Yes, it's very pretty and sweet and tender to put your little one to sleep, but when your child is three and he still wants you to put him back to sleep whenever he wakes up, it's not that sweet  I'm always amazed at how many serene-faced people ask me "when is the other one coming"  hello!?  where were you when we needed the advice of not rocking him to sleep?  Last night we were so exhausted that we took him into our bed, my husband got relegated to the guest bedroom.  Not a good idea, sleeping with the little one in the same bed is like sleeping with the energizing bunny that is running out battery, but like all batteries that are about to run out, you never know when one of his arms or legs is going to unexpectedly land on your face. 
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